Free Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Screening 

This brief screening is a great way for those that have issues with attention and concentration that interfere with their performance at school or work or cause issues in their personal relationships with others to explore the possibility of having the diagnosis of ADHD.  It is a great way for those who suspect they have ADHD or parents concerned that their child may have the disorder to find out if a further assessment and treatment might be helpful for coping with symptoms of ADHD.  The screening will provide:

  • A brief assessment of the individual for common symptoms of ADHD using short questionnaires and measures.

  • Information about identifying symptoms of ADHD.

  • Feedback regarding whether a formal evaluation would be of benefit.

  • How to approach treatment for those diagnosed with ADHD.

Please contact our office at 630-409-9700 for more information scheduling, or Request Information by competing the form below.